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Cài bundle cho Symfony 2 một cách thủ công

· One min read
    • Copy doctrine-fixtures, doctrine-fixtures-bundle, doctrine-migrations, doctrine-migrations-bundle to folder ./vender/doctrine/
    • Copy knp-menu, knp-menu-bundle to folder ./vender/knp/
  1. Registry bundle in AppKernel

$bundles = array( new Knp\\Bundle\\MenuBundle\\KnpMenuBundle(), );

if (in_array($this->getEnvironment(), array('dev', 'test'))) {
$bundles[] = new Doctrine\\Bundle\\FixturesBundle\\DoctrineFixturesBundle();
$bundles[] = new Doctrine\\Bundle\\MigrationsBundle\\DoctrineMigrationsBundle();
return $bundles;
  1. Update namespace (file ./vender/composer/autoload_namespaces.php)
'Doctrine\\\\DBAL' => $vendorDir . '/doctrine/dbal/lib/', add =>    'Doctrine\\\\Common\\\\DataFixtures'    => $vendorDir . '/doctrine/doctrine-fixtures/lib', add =>    'Doctrine\\\\DBAL\\\\Migrations'    => $vendorDir . '/doctrine/doctrine-migrations/lib', 'Doctrine\\\\Common' => $vendorDir . '/doctrine/common/lib/', add =>    'Doctrine\\\\Bundle\\\\FixturesBundle' => $vendorDir . '/doctrine/doctrine-fixtures-bundle/', add =>   'Doctrine\\\\Bundle\\\\MigrationsBundle' => $vendorDir . '/doctrine/doctrine-migrations-bundle/', 'Doctrine\\\\Bundle\\\\DoctrineBundle' => $vendorDir . '/doctrine/doctrine-bundle/', ... add =>   'Knp\\Menu'   => $vendorDir . '/knp/knp-menu/src', add =>   'Knp\\\\Bundle\\\\MenuBundle' => $vendorDir . '/knp/knp-menu-bundle/', '' => $baseDir . '/src/',
  1. Use
php app/console doctrine:fixtures:load
php app/console doctrine:migrations:diff
php app/console doctrine:migrations:migrate
  1. Config menu (options) file /app/config.yml
knp_menu: twig:
# use "twig: false" to disable the Twig extension and the TwigRenderer template: knp_menu.html.twig templating: false
# if true, enables the helper for PHP templates default_renderer: twig
# The renderer to use, list is also available by default_renderer
  1. link download bundles